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Create and manage your Coda workspace
Create and manage your Coda workspace

Learn how to create and delete workspace, tailor your workspace settings, and more!

Updated over 5 months ago

So what’s a workspace? A workspace is your home base for all things Coda. It will store your docs in an organized way, and you'll invite members into the workspace to help you get the job done. Workspaces contain folders, which contain docs, which contain pages, which contain - well, all kinds of things! A workspace can be free or paid (depending on your plan), and will have slightly different features accordingly. In this article, you’ll find info on the basics of creating and customizing workspaces, including an intro to workspace settings.

💰 Looking for info on managing your billing account and payment for your workspace? Head on over to this article.

Within this article you’ll find...

View your workspaces

When you go to, you'll see all of your workspaces in the left panel. Click on any workspace name to expand that workspace. You'll then be able to access Templates, Packs, Members & Groups for that workspace - plus all of the docs and folders within that workspace. For instance, in the gif below, “Demo Workspace!!” and “” - on the left hand side of the screen - are separate workspaces.

Add a new workspace

You can add a new workspace by clicking on the three dots on the bottom left hand corner of your home page, next to "More options." Then select “New workspace”. A free workspace will be created, you can then upgrade your workspace from there.

Customize workspace settings

With workspace settings, you can tailor the setup of each workspace to meet your needs. Note that only workspace admins have the ability to view and adjust workspace settings.

If you’re an admin, you’ll see Admin settings in the upper left corner of your Coda home. Click to open, and you'll see several different sections.

ℹ️ Note that if you are also an org admin for an Enterprise org, you will see additional sections in your admin settings. Learn more about org admins and their settings here.

  • About: Here you'll name and describe your workspace.

  • Members: This section is intended for viewing and managing workspace membership. It includes several subpages...

    • Members and roles: This tab shows a full list of all the members in the workspace. You can view and change roles, copy member emails, and more. Learn more about this setting here.

    • Membership policies: This important tab allows you to edit two things: your Doc Maker approval setting (read more here), and your auto-join email domains (more on this here).

    • Membership activity: Here you can see a high-level log of important activity in your workspace, including when people change roles or are removed from your workspace.

  • Packs: Here you can adjust workspace-level Pack access. You can see (and change) which Packs your workspace is subscribed to. And you can even choose whether to allow Pack makers in your workspace to sell their own Packs.

  • Billing: You'll see the details of your plan here. If you ever need to upgrade your workspace or see a past bill, you can do so here. Learn more about managing your billing account here.

  • AI usage: Use this section to view and manage AI usage in your workspace. Learn more about this feature here.

Delete a workspace

Workspaces need to be empty of docs and custom templates before you can delete them. This means that you'll need to first delete all docs and templates you own in the workspace, or move them to another workspace. If other collaborators used this workspace and still own docs there, they'll need to delete or move those docs respectively.

Also, if your workspace is on a paid plan, you will need to downgrade it to the free plan in order to delete.

Once the above steps are complete, you can then delete the workspace by navigating to then clicking on Admin settings in the upper left. On the About page, ensure the workspace you wish to delete is selected at the top, then scroll down and click the Delete workspace button.

💡 Tip: If the Delete workspace button is greyed out, this means there are some steps that still need to be taken before you can proceed. Hover over the greyed out button to reveal a message with more info about next steps.

As an admin, you may encounter the error message even if you've already deleted all docs in folders you have access to. If you're seeing an error about docs still needing to be deleted, this is an indicator that some Doc Owners in your workspace may still have docs in their My Docs folder or a private folder that you don't have access to. Be sure to coordinate with your other members in your workspace to get these docs deleted. The same applies to custom templates.


How do I invite new members to my Coda workspace?

Great question! We’ve got an entire article dedicated to this - check it out here.

How do I see the other members of my workspace?

Go to, then click on your workspace name in the left panel. Then click into the Members & groups tab. Here you’ll see a list of all workspace members and their roles. You can even use the search tool to find specific people.

How do I find my workspace ID?

To find your workspace ID, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on your workspace name in the left-hand panel

  2. Then check out your URL bar. You should see followed by a string that starts with ws. This string is your workspace ID.

    1. For instance, if the URL reads, your workspace ID is ws-GuH5e-CCAC.

  3. You can copy this portion from your URL and use as needed.

What if my company already has a Coda workspace? How do I sign up?

You will simply start at and sign up for Coda. The admin of your company workspace can help users by identifying a list of domains (the part of your email address after the @ symbol) that can join their workspace automatically. If you are on one of these domains, you will automatically be added to the workspace as an Editor. From there you can join any folders that make sense for you.

What are some best practices for organizing my workspace?

Check out this guide for some great tips on how to keep your workspace organized and easy to use.

When should I create a new workspace?

While you have the ability to create multiple workspaces in Coda, we recommend keeping the number of workspaces to a minimum (ideally one). Instead of creating many workspaces, you can use folders to organize your docs. You can read more about when you might want to create additional workspaces here.

How do I upgrade a workspace?

How do I get access to even more workspace management tools?

Coda's Enterprise plan offers extensive options for managing your workspaces and members. You can learn all about these options here. And if you're ready to upgrade to an Enterprise plan, check out this page.

How do I manage Doc Makers in my workspace?

Managing Doc Makers is an important part of workspace management. You can read all about the options and controls for this here.

Can I move docs across workspaces?

Are workspace settings the same as organization settings?

Workspace settings and organization settings are separate settings, but are both found within the Admin settings section. Depending on your permissions (workspace admin, org admin, or both) you will see either workspace settings, organization settings, or both.

Workspace settings exist for all workspaces, including free and paid. Organization settings, on the other hand, only exist for Enterprise workspaces and are only visible to org admins. Since many Enterprise accounts have multiple Coda workspaces, organization settings allow you to adjust and apply settings across all your workspaces in one place. You can read more about organization settings here.

How do I organize and share docs within a workspace?

You can use folders to organize (and share) docs within your workspace. You can also share individual docs via the Share tool - read more here!

Why don’t I see “Admin settings” when logged into Coda?

If you’re not seeing Admin settings, this may be because you aren’t a workspace admin for that particular workspace. These settings are only accessible by admins.

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