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View and manage AI usage

Learn how to view and manage AI credit usage in your workspace and in your docs

Updated over 5 months ago

Coda AI includes a suite of powerful features to help you save time and work smarter. In comparison to other tools where AI is a paid add-on, Coda AI is included for Doc Makers. Your workspace is given a certain amount of AI credits monthly, and a set of tools to understand how credits are being used - which we’ll cover in the content below. For information about purchasing AI credits, please refer to this article.

Within this article you’ll find...

AI credit basics

What is a credit?

Credits are Coda’s way of counting how much AI you use. You could think about credits as fragments of text. 1 credit is approximately 40 characters in English, or 7.5 words. Anytime you use Coda AI, we measure how much content is in the input + the output and convert those into credits. So if you have a huge block of text and ask for a small summary, your number of credits will be based on the large input + small output. If you have a small prompt asking AI to write a long essay, you’ll have a small input + large output. And if you have a large input and large output, you’ll add those lengths together to get your total credits used for that request.

To learn more about credits, including how to purchase additional credits for your workspace, check out this article.

What can I do with credits?

Here are some example scenarios, and how many words and credits they might typically use.


Average words

Average credits

Write a 140 character Tweet



Write a paragraph



Write one email message





Fill one cell using AI column



Write using AI assistant



Write a 5 paragraph essay



View AI usage within a doc

Any user with edit access to a doc can explore statistics showing how Coda AI is being used within that doc.

  1. Navigate to the doc settings (gear icon in the upper right, near your avatar)

  2. Select Statistics.

  3. Scroll down to AI usage, where you’ll see a count of AI usage by feature.

  4. Click on credit count (or Details) to learn more.

ai in-doc usage panel.gif

Below are some details to help you better understand the usage of AI for each feature. If you need a refresher on the AI features, check out this article.

  • AI block: you can see the names of each AI block that has used credits. Selecting one of the names will take you to the location of the AI block. Each time an AI block is refreshed the credits are counted toward the doc owner.

  • AI column: you can view the names of each table and column that is using AI. Selecting the table name will take you to the location of the table. Each time an AI column is refreshed the credits are counted toward the doc owner.

  • AI chat: you can see the names of teammates who used AI chat while in the current doc. These credits count toward the user, not the doc owner.

  • AI assistant: the credits count toward the user.

  • AI reviewer: the credits count toward the user.

You can also view AI usage on a per-doc basis via your My Stats dashboard. Check out this article to learn more.

View and manage workspace AI usage

If you are a workspace admin, you can view AI usage across your workspace by Doc Maker and by doc. You can also see the date your credits next refresh and more.

Navigate to, click on Admin settings in the upper left, then search for or scroll to the AI usage tab. If you're the admin of multiple workspaces, be sure to choose the correct workspace via the workspace selector at the top of the page. You’ll first see some high-level AI usage info. Scroll down to get more detail.

Click on the View detailed usage link to see some helpful charts of AI usage in your workspace over time. You can see month-over-month credit usage, or even daily credit usage.

To see AI credit usage by workspace member, select the By doc maker option.

Choose Top docs with AI to see details about docs with AI usage, including the doc’s owner, how many credits it’s consumed in total or by billing period, activity, and total views.

Enforce daily caps

Within the AI usage tab of your admin settings, you’ll see a Manage AI usage section. The Enforce daily cap for Doc Makers option allows admins to set a maximum limit of how many credits any one Doc Maker can use in one day. This gives you control over costs and usage, for example, preventing one user from going through a significant volume of credits. As a workspace admin, you can set this threshold and adjust it up or down as you see fit. See the table above for guidance on the credit cost of various AI actions.

On Enterprise plans only, admins also have the option to set varying daily caps for individual Doc Makers, giving you flexibility to enable specific makers to use more AI credits per day than the rest.


How can I monitor credit usage on my team?

If you’re a workspace admin, you can track AI usage by Doc Maker or by doc in your workspace settings. You can even enforce a daily credit cap if needed. Just follow the steps in the section above.

All users can also understand AI credit usage on a doc level, via the Statistics panel within the doc. Learn more in the View AI usage within a doc section of this article.

We’re running through credits quickly. Is there anything I can do?

If you are a workspace admin, you can monitor your team’s usage in the admin settings. From there, you can also set a daily cap, or view who is using the most credits. The minimum daily cap is 10 credits per day. Check out the section above to learn more. If you decide you need more credits, you can purchase more, upgrade your Coda workspace, or add more Doc Makers to increase your overall AI credit pool. Please see this article for more details about purchasing additional AI credits.

How does Coda AI use my data?

To deliver the Coda AI functionality, we will be sharing your information with our third-party AI providers when you use the AI features. For example, if you ask Coda AI to summarize a set of meeting notes, those meeting notes will be sent to the AI providers. We do not allow any AI third-party providers or contractors to use your data for training their models. Coda does not use the AI inputs and results from enterprise customers’ use of Coda AI for the purpose of improving our own AI functionality. Coda does, of course, separately store doc content for the purpose of providing our services as a document platform.

For general information about security at Coda, you can visit to learn more about how we protect your data. Our Privacy Statement also goes into further detail.

How do I turn off Coda AI?

If you want to discuss turning off Coda AI entirely, please contact your account team or our Support team via the ? (question mark) in the lower right corner of your doc. Do note that Coda AI is included for Doc Makers, and we do not allow third-party providers to use your data to train AI models. You can also set daily AI limits per Doc Maker in your workspace, with 10 credits/day being the minimum cap. Read more about these limits in the View and manage workspace AI usage section above.

Can I use Coda AI if I’m on the Free plan?

Everyone on a Free plan (Doc Makers and Editors alike) has access to a free trial of Coda AI. In order to continue using Coda AI past the free trial, you will need to upgrade your workspace. Learn more about the AI free trial here.

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