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Overview: Tables

Like spreadsheets and databases, tables allow you to organize your data. Get familiar with table basics here.

Updated over 6 months ago

Tables allow you to store your data in a structured manner, so your data can be easily organized, referenced, analyzed, and summarized. Tables can be displayed in many different forms - from simple tables and card views, to timelines and bar charts.

This article will introduce you to some of the core concepts of tables, while also directing you to the appropriate in-depth resource depending on what exactly you want to do with your table.

Within this article, you’ll find...

What is a table?

Tables are perhaps the most powerful and most central building block in Coda, allowing you to store your data in a structured, connected way. Tables consist of rows and columns. Rows generally represent “things” (people, tasks, inventory items, places to visit, grocery list items, etc.), and the columns are generally “attributes” of those things (the quantity of an item, the due date of a task, a customer’s address, etc). In other words, each row is an individual data point, and each column represents an attribute of that data point.

If you’re familiar with spreadsheets and databases, you may be wondering how Coda tables are similar or different. Check out this resource from one of Coda’s own about what makes Coda tables unique.

ℹ️ It’s important to note that tables are different from grids. Tables contain structured data, which can be filtered, sorted, used in formulas, etc. Grids, on the other hand, are simply a layout option that allow you to display (unstructured) information in a tabular format.

What is a view?

In Coda, we have two types of tables: base tables and views. When we use the word “table,” we could be referring to either type. When you create a brand new table, you’re creating a base table. You can then create views of that base table. A view is essentially a connected “mirror” of that base table. It allows you to visualize the table data in new ways - with different formatting or filtering - while keeping the data connected. Any change to the data in one view reflects in the base table (and in all other views).

To learn more about views, check out this article.

Create a table (or view)

Creating a table is easy! You have a few options for how you do it.

Perhaps the quickest is to use the slash command:

  1. Type /table on any blank line in your doc

  2. Select Table from the list of options.

  3. Choose to either Start blank (to create a brand new base table), Import data (more on this here), or Connect to a table (to create a connected view of an existing table in the doc).

create new base table.gif

Once your table or view is generated, you can start customizing and filling it. Read on to learn how.

💡 Not sure whether you should create a new table or a new view? Check out this helpful resource for guidance.

Add data to tables

Once you’ve created a table, it’s time to start adding rows, columns, and data.

  • Add a row: There are a few ways to add rows, depending on your style. Hover over the table and click the large +New row option at the bottom of the table. Or when hovering to the left of any existing row, click the small + icon that appears at the bottom-left corner of the row to insert a row. Learn more about adding, selecting, and deleting rows here.

  • Add a column: Hover over the table and click the large + icon that appears in the upper-right corner. Alternatively, right-click the top of any column and select Insert column, then Insert column before/after from the dropdown menu. Once added, you can customize the column, including choosing from a range of column types. To learn more about columns - including how to add, edit, and hide columns - check out this article.

  • Fill in data: Finally, you can click into any cell to start adding data.

Customize your table display

Coda offers ample flexibility with how you display your table. Each table or view can have it’s own appearance. The customization options fall into two buckets:

  • Choose from different view types: You can choose from a variety of view types for each table or view you create. View types include your basic table view, cards view, calendar view, timeline, charts, forms, and more. Learn all about view types and how to adjust them here.

  • Customize the display elements: Regardless of what view type you choose, there are additional visual components that you can customize - including things like the table title, gridlines, new row buttons, and more. Learn all about these options here.

adjust table display demo.gif

Filter, sort, group, and summarize your data

Once you have some data in your table, you might start thinking about filtering, sorting, grouping, or summarizing your table data.

  • Filtering: Filter out the rows you don’t need to see, without actually deleting that info. Each view can have different filters, and you can even set up dynamic filters that change based on the viewer or other info. Check out this article to learn all about filtering.

  • Grouping: Grouping allows you to group your data by shared attributes. For instance, maybe you want to group your list of tasks based on the status of the task. This article will tell you everything you need to know about grouping.

  • Summarize: Coda offers a few different ways to summarize your table data, both in the canvas of your doc and directly within the table itself. Check out this article to learn more.

  • Sorting: Use sorting to determine the order in which rows appear in your table. You can even sort by multiple columns simultaneously. To add sorting to your table, follow these steps:

    • Hover over the table, then select Options in the upper right corner

    • Select Sort

    • Click Add sort, and choose which column you wish to sort by

    • Once added, choose whether to sort in Ascending or Descending order.

    • To sort by additional columns, just click Add sort again. Sorting rules will be prioritized from top to bottom, so be sure to order your sorting rules in the order that you’d like them to apply. Just click and drag a sort rule to change the order.

    • Tip: Make sure to ungroup your columns before sorting - otherwise the sort will be applied to the items within each group rather than rearrange the entire table.

add sort to table.gif

Connect tables

Let’s say you have a table for your projects and a table for your tasks. For each task in your tasks table, you may want to indicate the associated project. So is there a way to connect this data across distinct tables? Sure thing - you can connect these tables via relation columns.

Relation columns allow you to reference rows from a table from within the row of another table. You can even set up bi-directional relationships using linked relations. Check out the articles below to learn more:


How is a table different from a grid?

Tables contain structured data, which can be filtered, summarized, analyzed, and referenced in formulas across your Coda doc. Grids do not contain structured data, and are simply a way to display unstructured data. Grids lack filters, sorts, views, table names, column names or any other advanced features you’ll find in Coda tables.

How do I delete a table or view?

To delete a table or view, simply hover over the table and click the vertical three dots that appears in the upper left corner. Then choose Delete from the list of options.

NEW delete table or view.gif

If the table is a base table, you will see a warning telling you that deleting this table will also delete all connected views and break anything (formulas, automations, etc.) that reference the table or any views. Click Delete all to confirm.

How can I see the connections between tables and views in my doc?

You can use the doc map to understand which tables in your doc are connected. This can help you see whether a table is a base table or a view, and allow you to understand the connections of data in your doc. Check out this article to learn more about using the doc map.

Can I import a table?

Yes - there are several different options for importing a table into Coda. You can import a table manually by copying and pasting, import CSVs, or even import directly from other tools. Alternatively, you can use Pack sync tables to bring in live data from other apps.

Can I export a table?

Yes. You can export tables manually by copying and pasting, export tables as CSVs, or even export entire docs or pages as PDFs. Learn about all the exporting options here.

How can I analyze my table data?

There are many different ways to analyze your table data. You can use charts (including pie charts, bar charts, word clouds, and more) to visualize your data in new ways. You can use table summaries to easily pull some statistics. Or you can utilize Coda formulas to achieve more specific, customized analysis.

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