Coda’s Free plan is designed for those who want to use Coda for personal use or for those who are just starting out. While there are certain features and integrations that aren’t available on the Free plan, you can still build robust and powerful docs. You can read more about what is - and isn’t - included on the Free plan by comparing pricing plans here.
One important thing to note about the Free plan: once you share a doc with others, doc size limits will apply. This article will help you understand the limits of the Free plan, how to keep your docs within those limits, and what will happen if you go over.
Within this article you’ll find...
Doc size limits on the Free plan
On the Free plan, there are different doc size limitations between docs that are shared with others and docs that aren’t.
Personal docs, or docs that aren’t shared with anyone, have no size limits. That means no limitations on number of row or objects per doc.
Shared docs, or docs shared with anyone else, do have some size limits to keep in mind. These docs can have up to 50 objects (pages, tables, views, buttons, formulas) and up to 1000 table rows per doc.
When a shared doc hits one of these size limits, this will initiate a 14-day grace period. During that time, the doc will remain usable. But you’ll receive notifications and see warnings that your doc has gone over the limits. At the end of the 14 days, if the workspace isn’t upgraded or the doc isn’t scaled back, the doc will become locked and read-only.
Check your doc size
You can keep an eye on the number of objects and rows in your doc by following these steps:
Open your doc
Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the doc
Click on Statistics
You’ll see a tracker for both the number of rows and the number of objects in your doc.
Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find in the doc size tracker:
Rows - The total number of rows in your doc, across all tables. This includes hidden rows. On the free plan, your shared docs can have up to 1,000 rows.
Objects - On a free plan, your shared docs can have up to 50 objects in your doc. We'll even give you a handy capacity bar so you can see where most of your doc's size is coming from. Objects include:
Tables & views
Buttons (only canvas buttons count towards this object limit; button columns in a table don’t count)
Formulas (only canvas formulas count towards this object limit; formulas in a table don’t count)
Media - You are able to store 1GB of media including JPEG, PNG, PDF, and MP4. Files have a maximum size of 10MB. This includes both attachments on the canvas and in any table columns.
Keep within the size limits
Have a shared doc that’s close to - or has already gone over - the Free size doc limits? When this happens, you can either:
Upgrade to a higher plan (Pro, Team, or Enterprise)
Downsize your doc to bring it back within the Free plan limits. Learn all about managing and reducing doc size here.
What counts as sharing a doc?
What counts as sharing a doc?
There are many different ways to share a doc. For the purposes of the Free plan, a shared doc is any doc that’s shared by the methods described in this article, including direct sharing, domain sharing, link sharing, sharing via folders and publishing. Embedding your doc externally does not count as sharing, nor does the built-in sharing with Coda Support function.
How do I upgrade to a higher Coda plan?
How do I upgrade to a higher Coda plan?
Check out this article for a step-by-step guide to upgrading your workspace.
Are there limits on attachment or media size on the Free plan?
Are there limits on attachment or media size on the Free plan?
Yes - regardless of whether a doc is shared or unshared, there are limits on the total attachment size per doc. On the Free plan, docs are limited to 1GB of attachments. Additionally, no single attachment can be over 10MB. You can track these limits by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of your doc, then selecting Statistics.
Read more about media limits at