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Upgrade your Coda workspace

Learn how to purchase a Coda Pro or Team subscription

Updated over 3 months ago

So you’re ready to upgrade your Coda workspace - that’s awesome! If you need help deciding which plan is right for you, head to our pricing page. There you can see everything included in each plan and the cost of each plan.

This article will walk you through how to upgrade your Coda workspace - whether you’re purchasing a subscription for the first time, or upgrading from Pro to Team.

This article is intended only for customers on our Pro and Team plans.

📣 Upgrading to Enterprise requires a slightly different process than the one described here. If you’re interested in upgrading to our Enterprise plan, you can get started here.

Within this article you'll find...

Upgrade your Coda workspace

In order to upgrade a workspace, you'll have to be a workspace admin. You can check your role in the Members & groups tab under your workspace name.

ℹ️ As a reminder, subscriptions apply to workspaces. And price depends on the number of Doc Makers in said workspace. To learn more about Coda’s Maker billing model, we recommend checking out this article.

To upgrade your workspace, just follow these steps:

  1. Use the toggle to choose between Pay monthly and Pay annually

    1. If you select annual, you'll get a 15% discount on the monthly rate, and you will pay for the whole year.

  2. Next to Current workspace, select the workspace you’d like to upgrade.

    1. Note: you won’t see this if you aren’t logged in.

  3. Find the pricing plan that’s right for you. Click the Upgrade button at the bottom of that plan.

    1. If you aren’t logged in, you’ll see a Get started button instead. Click this button to initiate sign up or sign in.

  4. On the next screen, enter your full name and card information.

  5. You can optionally add an address or tax ID (don’t worry - you can also add these later).

  6. Confirm the plan type, workspace, and payment cycle are correct (shown in the upper right).

  7. Then hit Upgrade 🚀

A gif demonstrating a user on Coda's pricing page, selecting a plan to upgrade to, and being brought to a confirmation page to enter their billing information.

Subscription renewal

Your Coda subscription will be renewed on a monthly or annual basis - depending on the selection you made - with the same payment method you used when first upgrading. For information on managing your subscription - including changing your payment method for future billing, and changing your billing frequency - check out this article.

Manage Doc Makers

With Coda, you only pay for Doc Makers. So when a Doc Maker is added or removed from your workspace (or downgraded to an editor), your bill is affected. Workspace admins can control how Doc Makers are added via their workspace settings. Check out this article to learn more.

As soon as they are added, you'll start paying for the Doc Maker, prorated based on when they joined the workspace. For annual plans, you'll get the bill for Doc Maker additions on a monthly basis and monthly plans will get charged in their next monthly cycle.

If you demote a Doc Maker to an editor (or remove the Doc Maker from your workspace), you will see a prorated credit that is equal to the amount of time the user was no longer a Doc Maker in your billing cycle.


What is a workspace?

Great question! You can learn about workspaces - and why they matter - here.

How does Coda’s billing model work?

Coda’s Maker billing model is designed to be flexible and cost-effective, and to encourage collaboration. Therefore you only pay for Doc Makers - editors and viewers are free. You can read all about it our Maker billing model here.

If I upgrade my free workspace to a paid workspace, who will become the admin?

Whichever Doc Maker does the upgrading will automatically be made the sole admin. All previous admins will be downgraded to Doc Maker. From there, the sole admin can add more admins as needed or update existing members to admin.

Why am I receiving emails about upgrading from people in my workspace?

As an admin, you may receive email notifications from your workspace members requesting an upgrade to level up a doc when it's over limits or has reached a quota. This is a handy way to understand what your members need for the docs they are creating, and may indicate that a higher plan is necessary.

What payment methods are accepted?

For Pro and Team plans, only credit card payments are accepted. For Enterprise plans, we accept credit cards, ACH, and bank transfers.

When will I get billed for my workspaces?

When you sign up for a new plan, you will be billed up front for all the Doc Makers in your workspace. If you add a new paid user to your workspace (or upgrade an existing one), we'll prorate them for the remainder of your billing cycle. On the annual plan, you will be charged monthly for these additional membership changes, with prorations applied for the remainder of the billing year.

Note that Enterprise billing is more customizable. If you have questions about Enterprise billing, please contact Coda Support.

How can I add or remove Doc Makers in my workspace before I upgrade?

When you go to upgrade your workspace, you may notice that the number of Doc Makers is calculated for you. This is based on the number of makers you currently have within your workspace.

As the admin, you're able to modify roles of your workspace members as needed. You can learn more about this here.

How do I manage my billing details after I’ve upgraded my workspace?

We have an entire article dedicated to this topic. This article covers how to access your billing hub, transfer billing ownership, manage payment methods, adjust invoice details, and more.

How can I add a billing address or tax ID to my invoice?

You’ll see an option to add invoice details, including billing address and tax ID, during the upgrade process. But you can also add these details retroactively. To learn more about managing your existing billing account - including all invoice details - head to this article.

Who can upgrade a workspace?

Only workspace admins can upgrade workspaces. If you’d like to become a workspace admin, you can ask any of the current admins to promote you.

How can I upgrade to an Enterprise plan?

To learn all about upgrading to an Enterprise plan, check out this page.

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