Jira, Asana, ZoomAdmin, and more
9 articles
Asana Pack basicsLearn how to setup the Asana Pack and sync your projects and task in your Coda doc
Update Jira issues using buttonsUse the Jira Pack to sync information between Jira and Coda.
Sync, update, and create Jira issues from CodaWhether you use Jira Cloud or on-premise Jira: learn how to sync, update, and create Jira issues via the Jira Pack
Install and connect to Jira PacksWhether you use Jira Cloud or on-premise Jira: a guide for installing and connecting to the Jira and Jira Data Center Packs
Use JQL as a sync option with the Jira PackAdvanced option: Use powerful JQL queries to filter which Jira issues are synced into Coda
How to Use Cross-Doc ActionsHow to add or edit rows and push buttons in other docs.
Zoom Admin PackSupercharge your Coda doc with Zoom to seamlessly provision and manage users ー and their meetings.
Intercom Pack basicsLearn how to install and start using the Intercom Pack to manage conversations, leads, users, and more - from your Coda doc
Lever Pack basicsLearn how to connect and use the Lever Pack within your Coda docs