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Manage docs in your org

For Enterprise only: Use the Doc Management dashboard to easily query and manage all docs within your organization.

Updated over 5 months ago

Enterprises need visibility into their documents for many reasons including regulatory and compliance requirements, auditing permissions around sensitive information, and understanding which docs are most used within the organization.

The org docs management dashboard helps admins in many ways, including:

  • Gives them visibility and provides key insights on all documents within their org

  • Allows them to quickly take action on docs

  • Helps them see the which docs are most viewed within their organization, how widely they are shared, and which Packs are installed for these docs

Read on to learn all about accessing and using this dashboard.

The org docs analytics dashboard is only accessible by org admins on Coda’s Enterprise plan.

Within this article you’ll find...

Manage docs in admin settings

To view the org docs dashboard, open your organization admin console by going to to, and click on Admin settings in the left panel.

From here, navigate to the Doc management tab (within the Docs section). You will see the dashboard along with some analytics on all the Coda docs within your organization.

Dashboard overview

The dashboard provides a bird’s-eye view of all the docs within your organization. At the top of the page, you can see high-level stats aggregated across all docs. In the table, you will find the following information for each doc:

  • Doc name, who owns the doc, and which workspace and folder the doc lives in.

  • Shared with: the widest (most permissive) sharing permission on the doc.

  • Packs added: the number of Packs installed in the doc. Hovering over the number will display the names of the Packs.

  • Sync pages (in): The number of sync pages that have been synced into this doc.

  • Sync pages (out): The number of sync pages that are being synced out from this source doc.

  • Last active: the last time someone opened the doc.

  • Total pages: the number of pages in the doc.

  • Collaborators: the number of unique users that have viewed the doc in the last 90 days.

  • Views: the number of page views in the last 90 days.

You can also sort by last active, total pages, collaborators, and views, which will help you to see which docs are the most active. Simply click on the column you wish to sort by.

You can search by title or URL, or use the built-in filters to look for docs that are:

  • in a specific workspace or folder

  • owned by a specific set of users

  • shared with a domain, shared with the entire workspace, shared publicly, and published to the web and Coda Gallery

Take action on docs

You can also take actions on doc directly from this dashboard. Simply scroll all the way to the right, and click on the three-dot menu (...) next to the desired doc. You will see a list of all the actions you can take on that doc. You can copy the doc URL, view and make changes to the doc sharing settings, move the doc to another workspace or folder, transfer the doc to another user, and delete the doc.

You can even take bulk actions, including moving docs and deleting docs. Just select all the docs you need to modify by clicking the checkbox to the left of each doc. Then choose your bulk action at the bottom of the screen.

You can find deleted docs in the Recently deleted tab at the top of the dashboard, where you will see the option to un-delete them in the three-dot menu (...) to the right of each doc.


How do I export data about docs in my organization?

The Org docs table in Coda Admin Pack can be used to list all docs in an organization. From here this data can be filtered, joined, exported, etc. as needed. This data is also available for consumption programmatically via the Coda Admin API.

When should I use the doc management dashboard vs. Coda Admin Pack vs. Admin API?

All of these should surface similar data so it depends on what makes the most sense for your needs. For example:

  • The dashboard (described in this article) is likely easiest to use for quick and general-purpose investigation and taking manual action on docs as needed.

  • The Coda Admin Pack is likely best for performing exports or more structured bulk actions based on a set of docs.

  • The Admin API offers the most flexibility in terms of integration.

How can I view publicly shared docs via the doc management dashboard?

At the top of your doc management dashboard, you will see the number of publicly shared docs in your org. Along with that number, there is an option to Show only. When you click this, the dashboard will then only show docs that are publicly shared outside of your org. Learn more here.

Who can access the doc management dashboard?

Only org admins on Coda’s Enterprise plan can access the org doc management dashboard.

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