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Hide docs from your doc list

Learn how to hide docs from your doc list to reduce noise and clutter

Updated over a year ago

Your doc list is where you’ll see all the docs you’ve made and that have been shared with you. You can conveniently search your doc list to quickly find what you’re looking for, add docs to your Shortcuts, and use folders to organize docs. But what if you want to tidy up your doc list by removing some docs you no longer need? That’s where hiding docs comes in!

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Feature details

There are a few key things to know about hiding docs:

  • Hiding docs does not remove or delete the doc - it simply hides the doc from your list

  • Hiding docs only affects your view of the doc list

  • You can’t hide docs that you own (and therefore can’t hide any docs under the Owned by me tab)

  • You can’t hide any docs from the My Shortcuts tab (you’ll need to find the doc under another tab and hide it from there)

  • You can’t hide docs within folders

  • Once you hide a doc, it will be hidden from the various tabs of your doc list (Recent, Trending, My Shortcuts, Shared with me, etc.). However, you will still see the doc inside its folder.

  • If you open a doc that you’ve already hidden, this will unhide it. The doc will appear in your doc list once again.

Hide docs from your doc list

Now that we’ve covered those details, you can follow these steps to start hiding docs:

  1. Go to your doc list, at

  2. In the left panel, click into the All docs tab or into your workspace

  3. You should see a list of docs, with a few different tabs (Recent, Trending, etc.) above the list. Find the doc you want to hide, and click on the three-dot menu to the right of the doc.

  4. Select Hide from the list of options.

    1. If you don’t see this option, check out the section above to make sure the doc can be hidden.

  5. In the confirmation modal, choose Hide.

hide doc from doc list.gif

That’s it! The doc is now hidden from your doc list.


How can I unhide a doc?

To unhide a doc, you simply need to open the doc. Since the doc is hidden, you’ll likely need to use the doc list search feature to find the doc.

Once you’ve viewed the doc, it will be re-added to your doc list.

Why don’t I see an option to hide a particular doc?

Not all docs can be hidden from your doc list. And you can only hide docs from within certain tabs of your doc list. Check out the section above to understand the full criteria.

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