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Create select list columns

Get instructions on how to create and customize select list columns in Coda, with tips for using them effectively in your Coda docs.

Updated over a month ago

Have you ever gone to organize data in a table and realized that inputs are not consistent so you have both “Completed” and “Done” in the same list of statuses? Or maybe you accidentally spelled Mississippi wrong and now you have two references to the state in your data. Never a problem again with Coda’s select list columns.

Select lists function as a drop-down of options in a column. They give all collaborators access to the same information when making a selection and Coda stores any formatting so options stay organized and consistent throughout your docs.

Within this article, you’ll find...

Create a select list column

To add a select list column to a table, just follow these steps:

  1. Click on the plus icon (+) in the upper right corner of the table

    1. If you have an existing column in your table that you want to turn into a select list column, right-click on the column header, hover over Column type, and continue with the steps below.

  2. When prompted to select a column type, search for and hover over the Select list option

  3. Then choose how to generate the options for your select list: New, Presets, or Use values from (more details below). Make a selection to finish creating the column.

    1. New will create a new list of options, populated with any data that's already been added in that column. If there is no data already in the column, Coda will prompt you to add options.

    2. Presets include some commonly used select list options, like Status, Priority, and Size. Even if you choose one of these presets, you can still go in and customize the options or add more.

    3. Use values from allows you to pull values from other tables in your doc and use those as the select list options.

Gif showing how to create select list column.

That's it - you now have a select list column. Continue reading to learn how to customize and use your select list column.

Edit a select list

Are you working in a table that already has a select list set up but you want to make some changes? Navigate back to the column format icon at the top right of the column (or right-click on the column header) and select Edit column.

Gif showing user editing select list column.

Here, you'll be able to make the following adjustments to your column:

  • Click on the A symbol to choose different color formatting for each option.

  • Adjust the order that options will appear in the dropdown by clicking the dots on the far left and drag-and-dropping your selection.

  • + Add Option: This button adds new options to your select list. Remove options by hovering to the right side of the panel (right of the A symbol) and then clicking the trash can that appears.

  • Convert to table: Clicking this will generate a new, single-column table, with each item in your list automatically becoming its own row in this new table. Taking this action will automatically convert your column type to a relation, since the column is now referencing rows in a separate table. Learn more about this feature below.

  • Allow multiple selections: This is defaulted to Off, which means collaborators can only select one option for each row. Click the toggle on if you want to allow multiple options to be selected.

  • Value for new rows: Select default column value that will automatically be filled in for any newly added rows. Coda will default to a blank entry. Learn more about default column values here.

  • If you click Option settings at the bottom of the menu, you will find:

    • Sort: Sort the order in which your selectable items appear in the dropdown menu. If None is showing, select list options will appear in the dropdown as they are shown in this menu. However, you can choose to sort by Ascending and Descending.

    • Allow adding of new options: Toggle on to allow new items to be quickly added to your list via the row itself (see example below). If you’ve converted your select list to a table, toggling this option on will also allow editors to add new rows to the referenced table.

Gif showing user adding new select list option to column.

Turn a select list into its own table

Sometimes you may want your select lists to live in their own separate table so that you can add other relevant data. For instance, say you start a tasks table and add a select list column for each task's team. And later you decide you want to start tracking other information about each team, like its members or location. The best option in this scenario is to move the values of that select list into a separate table that other tables can reference values from. That's just a few clicks away!

To convert your select list to a table, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the column header, then choose Edit column

  2. Below the list of options, click on the Convert to table button

  3. Enter the desired name of the new table, and choose the location (either below the current table or on a new page)

  4. Finally, click Create

Gif showing user connecting select list column to new table.

Now you will see a newly created table. Each item in your select list will be represented by a unique row in this new table. You'll also notice that your original select list column has been converted to a relation column, since the column is now referencing rows in a separate table.

💡 Tip: Check out this YouTube video to learn more about converting select lists to tables.


Can I create a select list from an existing table?

Yes! Sometimes you'll want your select lists to pull content that already exists in one of your doc’s tables. In that case, you'll use a relation column format. Since relations connect your tables together, any changes you make in the relation table will automatically populate in your select list.

What is the difference between a select list versus a relation column?

Select lists and relations are similar column types. They both allow you to create a list of selectable items. The key difference is that relations reference a separate table, and allow you to select rows from that table. Select lists consist of text values, stored in the settings of the column.

Can I filter the options that show up in the select list dropdown?

If you want to filter the options that appear in the dropdown of a select list, we suggest you convert the select list to a relation column. Once that's done, you can then filter the relation column options, so that different dropdown options appear for each row depending on your criteria. Learn more here.

How do I change the colors of the chips in my select list?

You can do this by using the formatting tool in the Select list options. For even more color and font options, you can explore conditional formatting (tip for conditional formatting: create a separate table (instructions above) for your select list to make it easier to determine what the conditional formatting applies to).

Can I change the order in which options appear in the drop-down for my select list?

Yes! You can drag and drop options in the list in Select list options to put them in a specific order. If you are just looking to sort, you can choose an ascending or descending sort.

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