Buttons, controls, reactions, and more
11 articles
The slash commandQuickly insert Coda building blocks to your docs using the / command.
Button basicsTake actions from your doc with the click of a button. Learn how to create buttons, customize them, and use them to automate tasks.
Reference people, pages, tables, and moreUse @ references across your doc to tag teammates, reference tables or rows, link pages, and more.
Embed third-party content in your docEmbed external, 3rd party content directly in the pages of your Coda doc
Custom icons for docsAdd personality to your doc by uploading custom icons to use for doc titles, pages, and more!
Canvas control basicsLearn about the basics of the control building block, including control types and adding controls to the canvas of your doc
Add reactions to your doc's text and tablesUse reactions to quickly get feedback and add more interactivity to your docs.
Add images to docs and tablesLearn how to upload and embed images to your doc's canvas and tables
Collapse tables or text in CodaUse folding to collapse headings, tables, lists and views in your doc
Markdown shortcuts in CodaA full list of all the markdown shortcuts available to you in your Coda docs
Attach files in docs and tablesHow to add file attachments to the canvas and tables of your docs