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Share docs via domain sharing

Available for doc owners with a business email address, domain sharing allows you to share docs with anyone with the same email domain

Updated over 4 months ago

If you're logged in to Coda with a business email address (for example, - not, you'll have the opportunity to share any docs that you own with everyone else that has the same email domain as you. This article will cover the details of this feature.

If you want to learn about other methods of sharing your doc, check out this article.

Within this article you’ll find...

When should I use domain sharing?

In addition to domain sharing, there are a number of other ways to share your doc - including workspace sharing. So you may wonder: when should I use workspace sharing and when should I use domain sharing?

As a best practice, we typically recommend that you use workspace sharing if you want the doc to be accessed by all members of your workspace. This is especially useful if...

  • you’re in an edu workspace and don’t want the doc to be shared with everyone that shares the .edu domain.

  • you’re in a workspace that has users from multiple domains.

  • you want to limit access to the doc to just members of your workspace, and do not want everyone with the same email domain as you to have access to the doc

However, in some cases, you may want to share the doc with users from your domain instead. Sharing with domain is useful if...

  • you want a doc to only be shared with users from your domain, and not with anyone else in your workspace that might have a different domain.

  • you want a doc to be available to all users sharing your domain, even if they’re not in your workspace.

Use domain sharing

Note that you’ll have to be logged into Coda with a business email address (for example, not If you don’t see the domain sharing option - by following the steps described below - then you may not have access.

To share a doc via domain sharing, note that you must be the owner of the doc. Then just follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner of your doc, click Share. This will open the share panel.

  2. Now look for an option that says Anyone with a [insert domain name] email address. If you don’t see it, try clicking on the Anyone in [insert workspace name] workspace option, then selecting the email address option from the dropdown.

  3. Then choose the access level that you want your domain members to have. Options include:

    • Can view for read-only access

    • Can comment for adding feedback using comments

    • Can edit if they should be able to make changes to the doc

    • No access (default) if they should not be able to open or view the doc unless its shared with them a different way

NEW share via email domain.gif

That’s it! Members of your domain will now have access to your doc, based on the access level you assigned.

One important note: If you’ve chosen to give edit access to domain members, these members will also then be able to change the sharing permissions of the doc. If you’d like to change this so that editors do not have the ability to change doc permissions, you can do this in advanced share settings:

  1. Click on Share in the upper right corner of your doc

  2. Click on the settings slider in the upper right corner of the share window

  3. Toggle off the Allow anyone who can edit to change permissions and share setting

open advanced share settings.gif

Manage domain switches

If your company is changing their domain, you may wonder how this impacts domain sharing. Below are a few scenarios involving updating the domain sharing on a doc.

Your account changes domain

If the domain of your Coda account changes - for example, your organization updates your domain through Google workspace (from @companynameA to @companynameB) - you will be able to add your new domain for docs that you own. To do this:

  1. Open the share panel in a doc that you own that's shared to your old domain

  2. Update access for your old domain (@companynameA) to No access

  3. Close the share panel

  4. Open the share panel again, and your new domain should appear (as described in the section above)

If you would like to bulk update domain sharing for all docs in a workspace because your company has changed domains, please contact Coda Support. You can do so by clicking on the ? in the lower right corner of your doc, then selecting Contact support.

You want to share the doc with a different domain instead

Remember that you must be the doc owner to share a doc with your domain. To update a doc's domain sharing to a different domain, follow these steps:

  1. You will first have to transfer doc ownership to another Coda user whose account matches the domain that you'd like to share with.

  2. Then you (or the new doc owner) will have to update sharing access to your old domain to No access.

  3. Finally, the person you transferred ownership to will have to open the share panel and update the domain sharing to share to the new domain. Note that this will only work once you've set the original domain share to No access and have closed and reopened the share panel.


Who can access the domain sharing feature?

Domain sharing is available for all Coda plans, from Free to Enterprise. But to enable domain sharing on a doc, you must be the owner of the doc.

Note that you must also be logged into Coda from a business email address (ex:, not

Additionally, domain sharing is not supported for .edu domains.

Can I use domain sharing with a .edu domain?

No, it isn't currently possible to use domain sharing with a .edu domain.

Can I share my doc with multiple domains?

At this time, domain sharing doesn’t support sharing with multiple domains at once. If you want to switch which domain you share with, check out the section above.

A suitable alternative may be sharing via workspace sharing instead. This will allow you to share a doc with everyone in your workspace, even if that includes multiple domains.

Is this feature impacted by my workspace’s domain settings?

No - this feature is separate from the auto-join email domains setting within your workspace settings. You can read more on this setting here.

Are there other ways to share my doc?

Yes, there are many different ways to share your doc, depending on your needs and preferences. Check out this article to learn about all sharing methods.

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