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Change ownership of your Coda doc

Learn how to transfer ownership of your docs to another Doc Maker

Updated over 6 months ago

Each Coda doc has one - and only one - doc owner. Whoever creates a doc is the doc owner by default, with the ability to change ownership to other Doc Makers as needed.

For instance, you may be switching roles and need to transfer docs to your manager and old teammates. Or maybe you have finally handed that team project over to its rightful driver and want to give them doc ownership. Whatever comes your way, you can rest assured that a doc owner can be changed in a few easy steps! This article explains where and how to do so.

📣 If you’re a workspace admin looking to transfer doc ownership from someone who’s left your workspace, check out this article instead.

Within this article you'll find...

The power of a doc owner (vs Maker)

Each Coda doc has one and only one doc owner. Whoever creates a doc will be the doc owner by default.

All doc owners are Doc Makers, but whoever owns a doc also has the exclusive ability to:

💡Tip: If a doc owner is removed from the workspace, or if they’re downgraded from Doc Maker to an Editor, their doc(s) will become read-only. Reach out to your Coda workspace admin in this case.

Change ownership of the doc

Doc owners can transfer ownership of their docs to a new owner. First, you will need to make sure you’ve shared the doc with the new owner-to-be.

Then, within your doc, click Share in the upper-right corner. This opens the share panel and includes a list everyone the doc has been shared with and their level of access to the doc. To the right side of an individual’s name in the panel, you will see their permissions with a drop down. Click on this to open the option to make them the owner of the doc. Click Make Owner and a window will open asking you to confirm the change.

💡Tip: Make sure whoever you are transferring doc ownership to is a Doc Maker. Editors cannot be doc owners. More on all of the roles at Coda can be found in this article.

💡Another Tip: If you are not sure who the owner of a doc is, click Share in the upper-right of the doc. This opens the share panel and includes a list everyone the doc has been shared with and their level of access to the doc, starting with the doc owner.


Do I have to be a Doc Maker to own a doc?

Yes, you sure do! You need to be an active Doc Maker in your workspace, otherwise the doc will be read-only.

How do I know who currently owns a doc?

If you are not sure who the owner of a doc is, click Share in the upper-right of the doc. This opens the share panel and includes a list everyone the doc has been shared with and their level of access to the doc, starting with the doc owner.

The owner of a doc has left our organization - how can I change ownership of this doc?

If a doc owner is removed from the workspace and their doc(s) have become read-only, you will now see an option to request ownership of the doc in the upper right corner of the doc. Once you’ve requested ownership of a doc, your admin can approve the request and you’ll be the new owner of the doc. This article explains how admins can transfer ownership of docs owned by deactivated users.

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