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Install Packs in your doc

Learn how to find, request, install, and remove Packs in your docs.

Updated over a week ago

To begin using a Pack within a doc, the Pack must first be installed. There are a variety of ways to find and discover Packs, and installing them only takes a few minutes.

Within this article you’ll find...

Install a Pack

Packs are installed into individual docs, not across an entire account or workspace. This means you’ll have to install a Pack in each of the docs where you wish to use it. You must have edit access to a doc in order to install a Pack in it, and once installed anyone else with access to the doc can use the Pack you’ve installed.

From the Gallery

You can find and install published Packs in the Coda Gallery.

  1. Click on the Packs menu item in the left panel to browse the Packs.
    Alternatively use the search box to search for the Pack you want.

  2. Click on the Pack you want to install to open it’s listing page.

  3. Click the Add to doc button to begin the installation.
    For Paid packs you haven’t yet purchased use the Try it button instead to begin a trial.

  4. Search and pick an existing doc you want to install the Pack into, or click the + New doc button to create a new doc.

The doc will be opened and the Pack will be installed. You can now start using any building blocks from the Pack - see more about getting started here. Note that if your Pack requires authentication, you’ll have to connect an account manually in order to start utilizing the the Pack.

Private and internal Packs won’t be found in the gallery, but you can install them from the Packs page in your workspace.

From the within a doc

You can install a Pack directly from within the doc you are working in by using the Insert panel.

  1. Click the Insert button in the upper right of the doc.

  2. In the side panel click on the Packs menu item.

  3. Browse or search for the Pack you want to install.

  4. Click on the Pack you want to install to open it’s listing page.

  5. Click the Add to doc button to begin the installation.
    For Paid packs you haven’t yet purchased use the Try it button instead to begin a trial.

You can now start using any building blocks from the Pack - see more about getting started here. Note that if the Pack requires authentication, you will be prompted to connect an account once you start using the Pack.

Gif showing user adding Google Calendar pack to their doc.

To start installing a Pack even more quickly use the slash menu, typing a forward slash and then the name of the Pack you want to install. For example, /slack.

Request approval to install

If your organization’s admin has enabled Pack approvals you won’t be able to install a Pack until they first approve it. To request approval to install a Pack:

  • Click the Request access button in the Pack’s listing page.

  • In the dialog, enter a message to accompany your request.
    Include any relevant details that would help the admin make a decision.

  • Click the Send request to send the request.
    You can close the dialog.

Your organization’s admin will receive a notification, including who made the request. They may follow up with you for more information. When they make a decision, either to approve or deny, you will receive a notification with the decision. If approved, you will now be able to install the Pack as described in the previous section.

Gif showing user requesting access to a pack.

Remove a Pack

If you no longer wish to use a Pack you can remove it from your doc. Any of the Pack’s building blocks (formulas, actions, etc.) that are used within the doc will break once the Pack is removed. If you removed a Pack accidentally you can reinstall it to fix the errors.

To remove a Pack:

  1. Click the Insert button in the upper right of the doc.

  2. In the side panel click on the Packs menu item.

  3. Click on the Pack you want to remove.

  4. Click on the three-dots menu in the upper right of the Pack panel and then click on Remove Pack from doc.

  5. In the dialog click the button Remove this Pack.

Image of button to remove pack from doc.


What access is granted to a Pack when I install it?

Installing a Pack doesn’t give it access to your account or the contents of your doc, but rather just makes it’s building blocks available to use. You can learn more about the Packs security model in the Security of Packs on Coda.

How can I determine what Packs have already been installed?

The list of Packs already installed in the doc are displayed in the Packs panel. You can open it by clicking Insert (upper right corner of your doc), then Packs. You’ll then see an Installed Packs list.

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