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Intro to the Gallery

Finding new docs and Packs in the Gallery and sharing your own

Updated over a week ago

What is the Gallery?

In the Coda Gallery, you can find both docs and Packs that have been created by our wonderful maker community. When someone publishes a doc or a Pack to share with the world, it will then be available in the Gallery for other makers to find, explore, and use.

The Gallery takes our original publishing discoverability settings a step further to help Makers connect and share with each other, and for anyone looking for inspiration, tools, tips, frameworks or thought leadership to quickly and easily find the most relevant docs or Packs to fit their needs.

How can I find docs in the Gallery?

First, go to Then, in the upper left, select Docs. Now youโ€™re seeing the available published docs.

There are two main ways to find docs in the Gallery: browsing categories or via the search bar.
โ€‹Categories are determined by the doc's maker at the time they publish it. You can use categories to browse a subset of docs to find the one that's just right for you:

Looking for something more specific? The search bar will let you search for docs, categories, and Makers by name and keyword.

How can I publish my doc to the Gallery?

๐ŸŒŸ Please note, only the Doc Maker will be able to publish Docs or Forms. ๐ŸŒŸ

As you take the steps to publish your doc, configuring the "Discoverable to anyone" setting to "On" will publish your doc to the Gallery. Note that we've also added the option to indicate a category for your doc when you publish it, which will help it be discovered when users search the Gallery. Note that you can currently only assign one category per doc.

To make your doc as discoverable as possible, we recommend making your doc's title and subtitle as accurate and descriptive as you can.

How can I find Packs in the Gallery?

Go to, then select Packs in the upper left corner. This will allow you to search for available Packs, rather than docs.

You can browse from the list of Packs, or use the search bar to find something specific.

How can I share my Pack in the Gallery?

To learn more about sharing and publishing your Pack, check out this article.

Gallery FAQs

What is the doc Leaderboard?

The Leaderboard is a place to see docs that are popular and trending, based on a mix of engagement signals. While you may see the number of 'Likes' a given doc has received, be advised that ranking takes other factors and metrics into account.

How do I get my doc on the Leaderboard?

The Leaderboard is a place to see docs that are popular and trending, based on a mix of engagement signals. Promoting your great docs beyond the Gallery (e.g., via social media, sharing with friends directly, etc.) can help increase engagement with your docs!

What does the Like Button do?

Liking a doc is a lightweight way to show the author you enjoyed what they made. Total # of Likes will also show alongside docs that make it to the Leaderboard.

What does the Share Button do?

When you click 'Share' from the footer of a doc, a menu will pop up to give you options to share in a few different ways:

  • Share to My Coda Profile: This option lets you share a doc to your Maker Profile on Coda, where you can curate docs by other Makers alongside the docs you've published.ย 

  • Share to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn: A quick-and-easy way to share a great doc on your favorite social channel(s)

  • Copy link: Great for grabbing a quick link to a doc to include in emails, instant messages, etc.

What does the Report Button do?

The 'Report' button allows you to flag documents that you believe violate Coda's Publishing Policies so that they may be reviewed and have appropriate action taken on them.

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