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Connect a Pack account

Learn how to authenticate a Pack and connect it to your account.

Updated over a month ago

Not all Packs require authentication, but those that are accessing private data in another application or service will first need to be connected to your account.

Within this article you’ll find...

What are Pack accounts?

A Pack account represents your account in another app or service that the Pack will connect to. For example, the Slack Pack needs to connect to your Slack account. You can add multiple accounts for the same Pack, for instance if you are a part of multiple Slack workspaces.

Connect an account

After you’ve installed a Pack and are starting to put it to use (adding a sync table, creating a Pack button, etc.), you will be automatically prompted to connect to your account.

You can always come back later and connect additional accounts by clicking Insert > Packs > {Pack Name} > Settings. You can either add a private account by clicking into the drop-down under Private account. Or add a shared account by clicking the + Add a shared account button. You can read about the difference between private and shared accounts here.

The authentication process is different for every Pack, and can include approval dialogs, copying and pasting tokens, or entering a username and password. Consult the Pack listing page for more information about the type of authentication the Pack uses.

Gif showing user adding account to Slack pack.

If you have previously installed the Pack in a different doc you can alternatively choose to connect to your existing account. Pack accounts can be used across multiple docs, so you don’t need to sign in each time you want to use the Pack.

Shared vs. private account

Most Packs allow you to set up both private accounts and shared accounts. A private account is one that only you - the person setting up that account - can use to take actions from the Coda doc. A shared account is one that can be used by anyone who has access to the doc. Unless the shared account is restricted (see below), other doc users can use this shared account to set up sync tables, take actions, calculate formulas, etc. Check out the video below for more info on this distinction.

ℹ️ Note that sync tables always require shared accounts. You cannot set up a sync table using a private account.

Restrict your shared account

For any shared account you’ve added to a Pack, you have the option to restrict this shared account. When a shared account is restricted, only the account owner can reference this account (i.e. to set up sync tables, calculate formulas, etc.). The account owner can use this restricted account to set up sync tables, therefore using the account to pull in data for others to view. But other doc users will not be able to use the account for anything else.

To adjust whether a shared account is restricted or not, simply find the account under the Shared accounts section of the Pack settings. A lock icon will indicate that the account is currently restricted. Click on the shared account to expand the options, then toggle on or off the Allow non-owners to select this account option.

Gif showing user change the restrictions on ashared pack account.

Note that when you add a new shared account, it is set to restricted by default. You will need to adjust the settings if you wish to make the account unrestricted.

Disconnect an account

If you want to disconnect a shared account so that other folks in your doc will no longer have access, you can do that via the Pack settings.

  1. Click on Insert in the upper right corner of your doc

  2. Click on Packs

  3. Select the Pack in question

  4. Under the Settings tab, find the shared account you want to disconnect

  5. Click on the down arrow to the right of that account, and select Disconnect. When you see the confirmation prompt, hit Disconnect again.

Gif showing user disconnect a shared pack account.

If instead you want to fully disconnect an account from Coda, so that Coda no longer has access to this account, you can do this via your Coda account settings.

  1. Head to your account page, and find the Accounts connected to Packs section

  2. Scroll to the Pack in question

  3. Find the account you’d like to disconnect, and click the down arrow to the left of it

  4. You can then choose to either Disconnect this account from specific docs, or you can click Remove this account to remove all access to this account


How can I see which accounts are connected for a given Pack?

The easiest way to find this information is to click on Insert in the upper right corner of your doc, then Packs, then the Pack name, then click into the Settings tab. Here, you’ll see a list of all the accounts connected for this Pack, including both Private accounts and Shared accounts.

How can view all of my accounts, for all Packs?

Open your account settings and scroll down to the ACCOUNTS CONNECTED TO PACKS section. There you can find a list of all of the Packs you’ve authenticated with, which accounts you have connected them to, and which docs are using those accounts. From there you can disconnect an account from a particular doc, or remove it entirely from your Coda account.

How does Coda keep my account data secure?

Security is top-of-mind when it comes to Packs. You can read all about how Coda keeps your account data secure here.

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