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Wrap text in a table

Learn how to wrap text in your tables and column headers for readability

Updated today

If you want to show all of the text in your tables without needing excessively wide columns, wrapping may be just the thing. You can wrap the text within the cells of your table, and you can also wrap column headers. Then you can adjust the width of your columns as needed.

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Wrap text within table cells

To wrap text within the cells of a table, simply right-click on the column header, hover over Row height, and select Wrap column text. You can then adjust the width of your column by clicking the column header divider and dragging left or right.

๐Ÿ“ฃ If a fixed row height (1 line, 2 lines, or 3 lines) has already been selected for this view, the Wrap column text option will be disabled. In order to allow for text wrapping, you will need to first change the row height to All lines, then follow the steps above to wrap the column text.

You can wrap text in multiple columns at once by selecting multiple columns, right-clicking, and then selecting the option to wrap text.

And if you ever want to unwrap text, just right click on the column header and select Unwrap text from the list of options.

Wrap column headers

To wrap your column headers, first drag the column header down to create taller column headers. Then drag the divider between column headers to the left or right to resize the width of the header.

Gif showing user drag columns to resize width.

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