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Using the Microsoft Teams Pack

Get started with the Teams Pack for enterprise workspaces

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Add the Microsoft Teams Pack to your Coda doc to send messages to chats and channels in Teams, tag your teammates, automate your workflow, and eliminate duplicated work. Note that the Teams Pack is available only for workspaces on the enterprise plan.

Setting up the Microsoft Teams Pack

A gif demonstrating a user adding the Microsoft Teams pack to a doc and logging in with their Microsoft credentials.
  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right of Coda and choose Packs

  2. Click Add a new Pack

  3. Search for and select Microsoft Teams and click Sign in to install

  4. Sign in to your Microsoft account

  5. Choose which type of view permissions you'd like your doc to have:

    1. You'll choose Nobody if you only want to use your Microsoft Teams account to post messages to channels

    2. You'll choose Anyone this doc is shared with if you would like people to also pull Microsoft Teams data into your doc

  6. Choose the type of action permissions you'd like your doc to have:

    An image of the pack's access settings.
  • You'll choose Nobody if you don't want the doc to take actions in Microsoft Teams

  • You'll choose Only you if you want every person to use their own Microsoft Teams accounts for posting messages

  • You'll choose Anyone this doc is shared with if all users can use the same Microsoft Teams account to take actions


For the following examples, ensure that the Microsoft Teams Pack is installed first with the instructions above. See all examples in action here.

Post a notification to a team channel

Create a button column to automatically post a message in a team.

  1. After installing the Teams Pack, create a table with dates & other variables that you would like to include in your post.

  2. Add or update a button column to use the Microsoft Teams Pack and select Create channel post:

    An image of the button column types available with the Microsoft Teams pack.
  3. Configure the button column by adding a Teams account connection, team and channel.

  4. Add a message to post in the team. If you'd like to include text from another column, type in = to the message section to open the formula builder & add in the columns with the message text:

    An image of the formula builder in a button column.
  5. Clicking any button in the column will create a post and send it to the channel that you selected:

    A gif demonstrating a user clicking a button that takes a Microsoft Teams pack action.

Send a reminder message

Nudge your teammates to remind them of tasks they are assigned to using the Microsoft Teams Pack Send chat message action.

  1. Add a sync table to your doc with all your Teams chats, by typing / in the canvas and Microsoft Teams. Select the Pack Tables option and choose the Chats table:

    An image of a suer creating a sync table, connected to Chats from Microsoft Teams.
  2. Create a table with tasks and include a people column to add the task assignee.

  3. Add a button column to request an update from the owner. In the action dropdown, select Packs > Microsoft Teams > Send chat message.

  4. If you would like to dynamically send a message to the person tagged in the people column, ensure that:

    1. the person tagged in the people column is in your Microsoft organization (with the same email address)

    2. you have an existing chat with the person in Teams

  5. After selecting a Microsoft account to send the message from, click the f button to display the button action as a formula:

    An image of the formula builder, showing a formula that uses Microsoft Pack actions.
    1. Compose a formula that identifies the correct chat & sends a message - below is an example:

    [User's private Microsoft Teams account],
    Members.Contains(thisRow.[Assigned to]) and [Chat type]="oneOnOne")
    "πŸ‘‹ Hello! Mind updating your status on ",
    "? Thanks!"

    The formula retrieves the most recent chat with the Assigned to column and sends the following message:
    β€‹πŸ‘‹ Hello! Mind updating your status on [task name here]? Thanks!

  6. Press the button to remind your colleagues of their assigned task.

Retrieve teams, channels & chats with the Microsoft Teams Pack

This Pack can also be used to retrieve teams, channels and chats for quick access to your communication hub. You can easily sort and categorize your different communication channels & build quick links to your communication hubs from a Coda doc:

An image of a Channels table syncing data from Microsoft Teams.

See it in action here.


How can I dynamically send a message to a chat with a teammate?

In order to send a chat to a teammate with the Microsoft Teams Pack, you'll have to find the ID of the chat. That means pulling in the Chats sync table to the doc to search for the chat and get the ID. If you want to send a Microsoft Teams chat to someone you haven't messaged before, you'll have to initiate the conversation in Microsoft Teams before using the Teams Pack to automate the message from a Coda doc.

How do I sync all Microsoft Teams channels?

In order to retrieve channels dynamically in formulas & actions, you'll have to add a sync to get the channels for each team. Use the Add another sync button to retrieve channels from each team you belong to:

A gif demonstrating a user adding a new sync to their pack.

Coda app for Microsoft Teams

Embed your Teams Pack docs in your workflow by adding a Coda tab to your chat or team channel. Learn how to get started with the Coda app for Microsoft Teams here.

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