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View docs in dark mode

Coda now supports dark mode, saving computer battery and accommodating visual needs. Learn how to switch between light and dark modes.

Updated over a month ago

When viewing Coda docs, you have the option to choose between light mode (default) and dark mode. Dark mode can help save computer battery, reduce eye strain and blue light expose, and may also be more accessible for some viewers.

Within this article, you'll find...

Enable dark mode

To enable dark mode in your Coda doc, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Coda (either a doc or your workspace home), and click on your avatar in the upper right corner

  2. Hover over Appearance, and select the Dark option

A gif showing a user toggling on dark mode in the Appearance section of their avatar's settings.

You can also toggle back to Light from that menu, or choose Use system setting to adhere to other settings for your machine.

For mobile devices, if the Use system setting option doesn’t work for you, please try the Dark option instead.

💡 For tips on designing docs in dark mode, check out this doc.


Is there any way to ensure that everyone views a doc in dark mode?

Currently there is no way to ensure that others view a doc in dark or light mode. Each individual user has the choice of how they prefer to view the doc.

Can I permanently adjust my Coda account to always view docs in dark mode?

There is not currently any account-level setting for dark/light mode. However, if you adjust the appearance to dark mode via the steps above, you will continue viewing in dark mode as you move across Coda and across different docs.

Similarly, if you choose the Use system setting option for appearance, then Coda will match whatever settings you have set for your device.

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