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Add Coda Bot to Slack

Integrate Coda and Slack to unlock easier doc sharing, notifications, and other features within your Slack

Updated over a month ago

Coda Bot for Slack allows you to connect your Coda account to Slack for seamless integration. This connection enables easier sharing, provides more context and details when you paste Coda links in Slack, and gives the option to have notifications from Coda automatically shared with you in Slack. Continue reading to learn how to set up and use Coda Bot for Slack.

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What is Coda Bot for Slack?

Coda Bot for Slack is an integration that allows you to tie your work from Coda into Slack, where you and your team communicate. Once Coda Bot for Slack is set up via your Coda account settings, you unlock the following features:

  • Improved previews for Coda links shared in Slack. Whether you share a link to a doc, a page, or a row, everyone in the discussion will see previews that provide context on which doc contains the content being shared, with links to go directly to the referenced content.

  • Easier sharing. We’ve all done it ミ you Slack someone a link, and they don’t have permission to view it. Now, when you share a Coda link in a DM or Channel, you’ll be notified if your Slack audience doesn’t have access to the doc with options to share with conversation members or your entire team right from Slack! (You can also skip this and retain the doc sharing settings.)

  • Slack directory integration. Members of your Slack workspace are easily searchable when @-mentioning people, adding them to a “people” column in a table, or sharing a doc with them.

  • Get notified in Slack. When you @-mention someone in a comment or a doc, Coda Bot for Slack will alert the @-mentioned user(s) so they can quickly find their mention and respond or take action. Added bonus: Coda Bot aggregates these for each user in Slack, so you don’t have to search through all of the comments in a doc to find where you’re mentioned!

ℹ️ Coda Bot for Slack is distinct from Coda’s Slack Pack, which allows you to pull information from Slack into your Coda docs and tables. Learn more about the Slack Pack here.

Set up Coda Bot for Slack

Coda Bot for Slack is set up on an individual account level. This means that you can set it up for your Coda and Slack account, without impacting the accounts of any of your teammates.

To add Coda Bot for Slack, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Scroll down to the Other Integrations section

  3. Find Slack, and click Connect

  4. Follow the prompts to sign into your Slack account and authorize

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That’s all - you will now start seeing the features of Coda Bot in your Slack account. If you wish to disconnect this integration in the future, you can return to this screen and select Disconnect.

ℹ️ If you’re the first person in your Slack organization to set up this integration, Coda Bot for Slack will message team members in your Slack workspace who also have Coda accounts with a link to add this integration as well. This helps them get the same benefits in Slack. Everyone can manage their individual settings and preferences from

Manage notifications

If you have opted to receive email notifications for comments and mentions in Coda, you may receive duplicative notifications via Coda Bot for Slack.

  • You can manage your email preferences in your account settings by following the steps here.

  • You can also control whether you receive notifications for all comments, or just for mentions and subscribed comments in an individual doc by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right, then selecting Notifications. Learn more about these settings here.


Does adding Coda Bot for Slack add it for everyone in my Coda workspace?

No, Coda Bot for Slack is an individual feature that each user can choose to add or not add. When someone in your Slack workspace first adds Coda Bot for Slack, any other Slack members who also have Coda accounts will receive a message from Coda Bot with a link to connect the integration (should they wish to do so).

How can I learn more about the permissions and security of Coda Bot for Slack?

As with any third-party integration, Coda and Slack need to exchange some information to power Coda Bot. Thankfully, the team at Slack introduced granular permissions, which ensures we only request the information required for Coda Bot to send you notifications, let you search your Slack directory for sharing, etc.

What’s the difference between Coda Bot for Slack and the Slack Pack?

Coda Bot for Slack is an integration that you add to Slack. It allows for easier sharing of Coda doc links within Slack, as well as sending you notifications from Coda directly in Slack.

The Slack Pack, on the other hand, is an integration that allows users to pull information from Slack into their Coda docs. Users can sync in tables of Slack channels or users, send Slack messages from Coda with the click of a button, and more.

When I send a doc link in a Slack message, does everyone see the doc preview, even if they have not installed Coda Bot for Slack?

In most cases, everyone in Slack will see the doc preview - even if they haven’t installed Coda Bot for Slack themselves. There are some cases where Coda Bot may show you a prompt that only you can see, but those prompts will say “only visible to you.”

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