Presentation mode allows you to present your Coda docs with a clean surface while keeping your browser in view. When you enter presentation mode, the page list, comments, search bar, share menu, doc title, and all other unnecessary doc elements are hidden from view, allowing you and your audience to focus on the page content.
Within this article, you’ll find...
Enter presentation mode
To start presenting, simply click on the three-dot menu next to the doc title (in the upper left) and select Present. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P (on a PC) or ⌘ + Shift + P (on a Mac).
Navigate while presenting
Once in presentation mode, you can navigate through the pages of your doc by several different methods:
Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard
Click the left and right arrows that appear in the upper-right corner of your doc
Use the page drop-down list that appears in the upper-right corner to jump directly to specific pages
You can also click the diagonal arrows in the upper-right toolbar to enter full screen mode, thus hiding your browser bar and tabs.
Will hidden pages be shown when presenting?
Will hidden pages be shown when presenting?
No - any hidden pages will remain hidden while presenting.
How do I exit presentation mode?
How do I exit presentation mode?
To exit presentation mode, you can either click the Exit button in the presentation toolbar (upper-right corner of your doc) or press the Esc (escape) key on your keyboard.