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Enterprise docs shared publicly

See a list of docs shared with the public from your organization settings and change their permissions

Updated over a week ago

Organization admins for teams on Coda’s enterprise plan can see which docs in their workspaces have been shared with the public and change permissions or lock down access directly from the “Public doc” dashboard in their org settings.

View list of publicly-shared docs

To navigate to this list of publicly-shared docs & their settings, open the organization settings.

  1. Log into a Coda account with org admin access. Select your workspace and navigate to the ... menu in the bottom left corner of the screen.

  2. Select Organization settings.

  3. Navigate to the Workspaces and sharing tab and scroll down to Public docs in enterprise workspaces section.

Enterprise organization admins can also see which docs have been publicly shared. For each docs that has been shared with the public, the list displays what level of access has been granted to the public (view / comment / edit), as well as the doc's discoverability setting (link / web and Gallery).

Note that only docs located in enterprise workspaces associated with the organization will be shown in this list.

Update permissions

Go to Organization settings > Public docs. Here, admins can see a dashboard with all the docs that are shared publicly - either they’re shared with “anyone with a link”). To change permissions on a publicly shared doc, click on the update access icon. This will bring up the share dialog for the doc, and from here admins can update the permissions (ACLs) as needed.


Changing “Anyone with the link” to No access will make the doc no longer accessible to public. Admins can also restrict access to the doc further by updating permissions on the “Anyone with a <domain> email address” if needed.

Note: Changing all permissions to No access will make the doc private (i.e only visible to the doc owner)

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