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Duplication FAQs

Common questions about duplication in Coda

Updated this week

Included in this article:

How do I copy an (unpublished) doc?

To copy a doc, follow these steps:

  1. Open a doc

  2. In the upper left corner of the doc, click on the three horizontal dots near the doc's title

  3. Choose Copy doc from the options

  4. You'll then be prompted to choose the title for the new doc, the workspace, and the folder

  5. To confirm, click Copy

That's it!

How do I copy a published doc?

If the owner of the doc has permitted copies to be made (see section below), you should see a Copy Doc button in the upper-right corner of the doc. If there is no Copy Doc option available, this indicates that the doc owner has disabled the ability for others to copy their doc.

Key Points:

  • A copy of this doc will live entirely as its own, unconnected doc in the workspace of the user who copies it.

  • Edits will not impact the source doc.

  • There are no connections between tables of the source doc and the new, copied doc.

How do I copy a published a doc that is open only to my team?

You can copy a published doc with publishing features that is ONLY available to users in a specific workspace or organization in the same way that you copy any published doc.

The main difference here is the availability of the doc. As opposed to a general published doc, a doc that is available only to your team can only be copied by people on your team.

Key Points:

  • A copy of this doc will live entirely as its own, unconnected doc in the workspace of the user who copies it.

  • Edits will not impact the source doc.

  • Cross-doc connections may persist, meaning a user with appropriate permissions in their team could re-establish a Cross-doc connection to receive data from the source table. However, they new, copied doc cannot write to the source table.

How do I make a doc copyable?

You can put the “copy doc” action in a button so that any Doc Makers can click the button to make a copy of the doc, which will then live in their workspace. This is also possible by hovering over a doc title and selecting “copy.”

Key Points:

  • Any copy another user makes of your doc will live entirely as its own, unconnected doc in the workspace of the user who copies it.

  • Edits to any copied doc will not impact your original doc.

  • Cross-doc connections may persist, meaning a user with appropriate permissions in your team could re-establish a Cross-doc connection to receive data from the source table. However, they new, copied doc cannot write to the source table.

How do I prevent someone from copying my doc?

You can prevent people from copying your doc (published or unpublished) by clicking on ‘Share’ in the upper right of your doc, then expanding the ‘Advanced settings’ options. Here, just toggle off the ‘Allow others to copy this doc’ option. Editors, viewers, and commenters will then no longer have the option to copy the doc, including from the top left-hand corner of the doc or via a Copy Doc button. You can read more about this setting here.

An image of the "allow others to copy this doc" toggle in a doc's share settings.

How do I make a page copyable within a single doc?

You can put the “duplicate page” action in a button so that any Doc Makers can click the button to make a copy of the page, which will live in the same doc. This is also possible by hovering over a page title and selecting “Duplicate.”

Key Points:

  • A copy of this page will live in the same doc as the original page

  • Edits to the page canvas will not impact the source page

  • Edits to tables on the page may impact the source page, depending on (1.) whether the page was copied via duplicate page action or duplication from the page list*, and (2.) settings indicated by the maker who added the Cross-doc action

*For #1 above, if the page is copied via duplication from the page list, tables will all be connected views unless the copier selects “Paste data instead” from the toast that appears after duplication. If the page is copied via duplicate page action, the settings indicated by the maker who built the action (button) will be honored.

How do I copy a page into another doc?

If you want to copy a page from one doc into another doc (new or existing), check out this helpful article for a step-by-step guide.

What happens to comments and page authors when I copy a doc?

By default, comments and page authors are included when you copy a working doc. If you’d like to remove comments and page authors from your copy, toggle the “Copy comments and page authors” to “Off” when selecting where your doc copy will live in your workspace.

When you copy a published doc, comments and authors are automatically purged from your duplicate copy.

How do I make a template for my team?

Key Points:

  • Any copy another user makes of your template will live entirely as its own, unconnected doc in the workspace of the user who copies it.

  • Edits to those copied templates will not impact the source template.

  • Cross-doc connections may persist, meaning a user with appropriate permissions in their team could re-establish a Cross-doc connection to receive data from the source table. However, they new, copied doc cannot write to the source table.

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