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Resolve an "Out of Memory" error

Learn what to do if you see an "Error: Out of Memory" message in your Coda doc.

Updated over a week ago

Coda uses your browser's local storage to save your changes before they are sent to our servers. This helps ensure that your changes aren't lost if you lose network connectivity or close your browser. If you've been offline, when your browser reconnects, any local changes are synchronized with our servers.

However, your browser places limitations on how much space Coda (or any other web app) can use, and it's usually smaller than the total free space on your hard drive. Chrome limits available cache to a percentage of available disk space. When that happens, you'll see a message like this:

Error: Out of Memory

We cannot save your changes because your hard drive is full. To avoid data loss, please free up your storage space.

To continue editing and collaborating, you'll need to free up space on your computer, by doing any of the following:

Once more space is available to Coda, the message will disappear automatically and your changes will be saved.

If you cannot free space at this time, we recommend copying and saving any changes you've made since the error message showed up out of Coda to avoid losing your work.

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