How do I delete my doc?

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete your Coda doc.

Updated over a week ago

Sometimes a doc belongs in the trash.


To delete your doc, follow the instructions below:

  1. Hover and click the ... menu next to the doc name

  2. Locate the Delete doc option (last option in the select list)

  3. Select Delete doc

  4. Confirm to delete document


Once you confirm, your doc will be deleted. Your doc will remain in the trash for 7 days before it is permanently deleted.

Note: Keep in mind, you need to own a doc in order to delete it. The ability to delete a doc is reserved to the doc owner. If you would like a doc to be deleted but see the option is disabled, please reach out to the doc owner (listed in the Sharing Dialog) and request they do so. If the doc owner is no longer a part of your workspace, please have your workspace admin reach out to Coda Support. They can do so by clicking the question mark icon in the lower right corner of any doc, then choosing Contact support.

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